Religion Is No Excuse For Animal Abuse

  • Si este acto fuera de musulmanes, habría una guerra abierta en los medios contra ellos por maltrato a animales, pero siendo de integristas judíos, la cosa cambia, no vaya a ser que les acusan de anti-semitas. Pues la mayoría de los árabes son musulmanes y son semitas, pero son los pobres del semitismo, así que no se les hace caso y se les machaca por los medios occidentales ¡Dos varas de medir!
    Religion Is No Excuse For Animal Abuse

    Kaporos is a custom preceding Yom Kippur - the Jewish Day of Atonement - in which chickens are ritually sacrificed by many Orthodox Jews. The person "swings" the chicken, held by the legs or by pinning the bird's wings painfully backward, around his or her head while chanting about transferring one's sins symbolically to the bird. The chicken is then publicly slaughtered, and though claimed to be given to "the poor," thousands of Kaporos chickens are stuffed into garbage bags dead and alive and otherwise discarded as trash, as documented in Brooklyn and Los Angeles in 2012. Prior to the ceremony, the chickens are packed in transport crates, and unused birds have been found abandoned in their crates when the ceremony was over.

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